Friday, November 7, 2014

Lord of War Asdrubael Vect Coming After the New Year

Asdrubael Vect is the one thing that I am personally missing out of the new Dark Eldar codex. I have been pouring through it for several weeks now, and getting a Dias of Destruction and Vect on foot would be a dream come true..... Of course there are other characters I would like to see back, but Vect would be a great start, and with all these Tyranid releases without a dex, it brightens the prospects of a Dark Eldar release.

Of course we now also have someone who has seen the pics, and has a rough timeline for us for a Vect release.

Nightfury has been commenting on the site for sometime now, and always has seemed to have good information or a heads up on what is going on. He also has been very direct on what he is saying, often his comments getting buried and forgotten. While of course information must be considered to be rumors until we get some solid info (something official or leaked images), its worthwhile sharing what sometimes gets buried in the comment section here.

these are his latest comments regarding Asdrubael Vect.

via Nightfury in the comment section of Faeit 212
DE LoW Vect coming to a FLGS near you in the not too distant future 
Keep ypur wallets open for the DE LoW Vect.. it'll ne sometime in the beginning of 2015

I've also been told DE will receive a LoW in the form of a new Vect/Dais with a WD rules release though the time frame is uncertain.. I've personally seen pics so i know for a fact the model has been produced.

DE will be getting their LoW well before you see any of the hardcover dexes getting updated/reprinted... id wager they decide to release vect sometime soon after christmas